INVITATION: Agile business and operations management methods for the digital future

You are kindly invited to the business event on Thursday, September 20 2018, 9 - 12 a.m. at IBM's Innovation Center in Ljubljana.

INVITATION: Agile business and operations management methods for the digital future

The main theme of the event will be the presentation of best practices in the field of agile operations management methods which are one of the cornerstones of digital transformation.

Practical examples will highlight the modern operations in the financial sector. Part of the content will be dedicated to the agile management of operations in banks and insurance companies.

The event is aimed at managing directors and heads of departments of information technologies. 


08.30 – 09.00   Registration

09.00 – 09.10  



Welcome speech

Michele Leonardi, Country Leader, IBM Slovenia

Primož Sevčnikar, Executive Manager, TROIA d.o.o.


09.10 – 09.40  


Implementation of IBM Control Desk tool in ZABA - Case study

Igor Velimirović, Director for ICT infrastructure, Zagrebačka banka d.d., UniCredit Group


09.40 – 10.10  


IBM ITSM Strategy and Roadmap

Paul Watkins, IBM, Worldwide Technical Leader - IBM Control Desk

10.10 – 10.20   Break

10.20 - 10.50


Agile starts with people

Jasmina Golob, Sales Manager, Troia d.o.o.


10.50 – 11.20  


Auditing IT in CBs

Darko Dolinar, Strategic Advisor, Bank of Slovenia

11.20 – 12.00   Networking


Gathering after the event 

Presentations of successful examples of introducing agile methods into business will be followed by a pleasant gathering and exchange of experiences with several digitalization professionals.

Date and Location 

The event will be held on Thursday, September 20, 2018, between 9 a.m. and 12 a.m. at IBM's Innovation Center in Ljubljana. The IBM Innovation Center is located on the 3rd floor of the Kristalna palača, on the street Ameriška ulica 8 in Ljubljana.

Event Registration 

Participation is free for invited participants – but since the seating is limited, registration is mandatory.
Please submit your attendance confirmation to helena.cizerl@troia.si (+386 51 615 856) by Tuesday, September 18.

Kindly invited! 

We look forward to seeing you.

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