[EVENT] Digital technology and changes in energy & utilities

With the aim of presenting upcoming trends in techology, sharing experience and discussing atractive and important topics, Troia hosted a closed event »Digital technology and changes in energy & utilities« for partners and clients in Zreče yesterday.

[EVENT] Digital technology and changes in energy & utilities

The event was opened with the first time viewing of our new video (click to see), showcasing all that Troia is about. Love for our work and love for sports.

Dr. Gregor Taljan from Energienetze Steiermark GmbH, Austria then took the floor, with an interesting presentation of their work in Austria, showing how it differs from Slovenia and in which direction it will evolve in.

The event was then divided into two segments, first, presenting new technologies, that have been or still will be used or implemented, presented mainly by Troia employees, and second, experience from the existing projects, presented by our clients, sharing their point of view, pros and cons they came across throughout the projects and their plans of wishes in relation to the work we do together.

Rok Dolinšek, director of company Troia, closed the event with an informal invitation to the next event, due in autumn and a great thank you, to all the participants and guests attending the »Digital technology and changes in energetics« event yesterday.

All in all, we can proudly say, the event was as interesting as it was educational and made for some lively debates after the formal part while enjoying a lovely lunch in Hotel Atrij in Zreče.

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