AWE EU: The most essential AR/VR conference and Expo

For the fourth year in a row, AWE returned to Europe on the 17th and 18th of October, this time in Munich, Germany. And since AR (augmented reality) is a bit part of our work, we are there too.

AWE EU: The most essential AR/VR conference and Expo

AWE EU is the world’s leading spatial computing (AR/VR/MR) event series, what Forbes calls “the most essential AR+VR conference and expo”. 

Industry leaders from all over the globe, are joining in Munich to discuss real-life use cases, major technical challenges, bringing AR/VR into new sectors, promoting diversity and working on the cutting edge of development. 

Besides always learning and improving, we are there promoting our TROIA AR solution - an intelligent web platform, connecting Augmented Reality with real-world IT systems. 

Read more about augmented reality, that Energy Utility companies, manufacturers of industrial products, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, automotive and high-tech companies are using already. 

And learn how our TROIA AR Platform can make your life easier. 

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